HAS DOUBT TROUBLED YOU? (Listen to the song below..)

"For You have been a been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat when the blast of the terrible ones is like a storm against the wall. You will bring down the noise of strangers, like the heat in a dry place, the heat with the shadow of  a cloud. The branch of the terrible ones will be brought low. And on this mountain ELOHIM  will make a feast... AND ON THIS MOUNTAIN HE WILL DESTROY THE FACE OF THE COVERING CAST OVER ALL PEOPLES, AND THE VEIL THAT IS SPREAD OVER ALL NATIONS.   Isaiah 25:4-7

Over the past several months the enemy has tried everything he's got to discourage me, throw me off course and bring overwhelming doubt.  Bobby Conners recently wrote about "The Raging Cloud" (https://www.bobbyconner.org/articles/The-Raging-Cloud) that he received in a dream and how we are to battle against it. As I have battled with everything I have, I am still here to tell you that YOU WILL WIN! YOU WILL MAKE IT! FEAR I BIND YOUR POWER IN THE NAME OF Y'SHUA! Doubt will not overcome you and I proclaim FREEDOM TO THE CAPTIVES! In the name of Messiah Y'shua, STAND FIRM. BELIEVE ONCE AGAIN. His words are your life, HIS WORDS ARE YOUR TESTIMONY. Stand up! Stand up! Stand up! I CALL YOU FORTH TO RISE UP WARRIOR. DOUBT! GET BEHIND ME IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF Y'SHUA!

Our Father in Heaven is worthy of our praise. He is our Victory. He alone is our help in times of trouble. This song below was written in 12 hours of the most intense fear I have ever experienced, that tried to overwhelm me with the most sinister discouragement imaginable. I am here to witness that YOU WILL OVERCOME! YOU WILL TAKE THE LAND! YOU WILL ADVANCE THIS YEAR!  

"You Are The Creator"
You are, you are
You are the Creator
You are, you are
You are the Creator
You are, you are
You are the Creator
You save us  

You sent your Son
Y'shua Ha Mashiach
You sent your Son
Y'shua Ha Mashiach
You sent your Son
Y'shua Ha Mashiach
You sent Him for us

We will not be afraid
We will not be afraid

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
You are, You are
You are the King
And I will Love, and Love
And I will send an offering
To you above

You are, You are 
You are The Way 
And I will look to you
Each day
And you will know that I
Am a son


By Jonathan Walden Copyright  2014


I'm excited to tell you an amazing story of prophetic confirmation. Because I grew up white, discovering that my father's side of the family has Native American heritage has come with a price. The Lord has been speaking to me all year about being set free. I have had dreams even outlining this freedom. Identity has been on the forefront of my mind, because I believe that it is on the mind of the Lord. He has outlined who we are in His word, but how do we walk that out when we receive rejection or feel so rejected by others because of the color of our skin, or the clothes we wear. Richard Leo Twiss wrote a book called "500 Years Of Bad Haircuts," do we have to cut our hair to fit in? How do we break free from the confines of what others say we are, to what God says we are? "WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERERS!" Romans 8:37 How do we enjoy who God created us to be, if we are afraid to be who we were created to be? Do we know what that looks like?

For exercise I run through the woods and work out on the rocks. I listen to the water. I listen to the sounds of nature. The birds know who I Am. They know when a true son of God walks among them and they sing with excitement. The trees clap their hands, but I am the one crying out...Lord heal me! On one of my runs I was communicating with the Lord and asking Him all types of questions regarding what to do with such a passionate heart that seems only to be met with sneers of rejection. One of the greatest affirmations I have received happened on a run near my favorite waterfall.

Doug Addison's prophetic word that day was:
"God will give you wisdom through the least likely places. Pay attention to what children are saying.

On the rock before me was the word "Smile" written in colorful chalk. I stopped and thought, "Yeah, I should smile cause God created me!" Then I looked down, and literally written on the rock between my feet was the word: "CROATOAN." I was shocked! For that is my very own heritage. Because of the rejection of feeling Native but not knowing why, and the sinister battle of doubt after finding out why, I began to wonder whether God had spoken to me at all. And it seemed easier to just quit trying to prove it.

 It wasn't until later that evening as I was locking the door at work, when a toddler pointed to me from the stairs and said: "IS THAT A KEY?" Instantly I remembered the word written on the rocks and realized God had used a child to bring confirmation. A heritage that I believe He wants to expose so that others can be free. "It is for freedom that Messiah has set us free." Galatians 5:1 He created everyone of us uniquely in His image. My freedom looks like dancing in regalia before Yahweh, worshipping and bringing glory to His name through song. What makes you come ALIVE?

Originally posted December 14, 2014