So get I arrived in High Point, NC to visit my great friends Thom & wife Caroline Buchanan on Wednesday, I was informed that I was just in time for a three day SEERS CONFERENCE, with speakers Doug Addison and Jeff Jansen, at New Day Church at High Point, NC. Notice the Angels that were present as we worshiped the King of Kings!
Angels frequented our precious time ;) Can you spot them?

The Lord filled me beyond, beyond, beyond! Not only was it an intimate experience with the Holy Spirit, but I received other gifts, such as: a book from Connie called "500 Years of Bad Haircuts" written by Richard Leo Twiss of the Lakota/Sioux Nation, which will provide understanding of God's heart for the First Nations People; Bill Beard shared his wisdom concerning living amongst the Lumbees, and also gifted me a NC Map Book so that I would be able to navigate as I search out a place to put down roots; Beth Angel handed me a staff made from a 'Talking Tree' that was taken from the Trail Of Tears; (WOW!) Nancy (a renown "Prepper") had exactly the items for sale that I needed (hand-cranked lantern and 1000 hr. candle) for the teepee. Her heart is to prepare the Church for hard times, so that they can be the ones to aid in such a time. Thank you Nancy! Also, a black Brother named Lamar approached me during the conference and said: "Are you an Intercessor?" I nodded in agreement and he replied, "Jonathan, You are such a free spirit, but a resilient warrior, eagle-like Spirit. You will soar to new heights like never before, and God's hand will guide you through the wilderness. I see you as a Moses leading many out of bondage and captivity into Freedom and supernatural Joy. I also see the color yellow when I see you, which represents the revelation and light of His power that will flow through you. You are a glorious light shining in the darkest of places. Joy is your weapon, my friend. I just keep hearing 'GREAT HEIGHTS' for you, soaring higher than ever before. GET READY PROPHET!" Amazing confirmation!!
New Day Church goers have thrown change on the floor ever since God revealed that it was an outward sign that by His Mercy He changes us and His provision is evident all the time! For those that know me, you can imagine the tears that fell from my eyes as I stood on all of those coins. The Holy Spirit ministered to my need and revealed that "I will no longer have to live on change, but only BE changed." Ye-yeeh!!
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