War Shirt

This flowing, running, living water cleanses, heals, and restores everything in its path. (Ezekial 47:1)

I visited Healing Waters Church in Saginaw, AL this past Sunday before I left and Pastor Dennis Arnold had a prophetic word for me concerning my upcoming trip to the Lumberton...
"Jonathan, the fog that rises from the Land will even make a sound when you speak to it.  Even your Ancestors will hear the sound that you sing..."  

I am very excited today for what God has planned.  As the Holy Spirit has been leading, I have been preparing for this journey, one way is by making a WarShirt which is what I will be wearing as I worship the King of Kings and pray.  Here is a picture:

I hear the tumult of the raging seas as your waves and surging tides sweep over me. (Psalm 42:7)

First Nations of North America

First Nations of North America

"The greatest moments of Native History may lie ahead of us if a great spiritual renewal and awakening should take place. The Native American has been a sleeping giant. He is awakening. The original Americans could become the evangelists who will help win America for Christ! Remember these forgotten people!" - Dr. Billy Graham

Did you know?

- An estimated 5 million Native Americans lived in the continental United States when Columbus first arrived  here in 1492      
- By 1900 the Indian population had decreased to 237,000
- Today there are approximately 2 million Native American's remaining
- Less than 10 percent of Native American's claim to be born again Christians
- The suicide rate among Native American's is 5 times higher than any other ethnic group
- Native American's have the lowest income level in the United States
- 75% of Native American homes are effected by alcoholism
- Rates of sexual abuse are among the highest in Native American children.
- The number of Tribes in the US that have NOT been reached with the Gospel is 200 out of 515 Tribes
These horrifying statistics say more than I could ever say about the need for Native American Evangelism. Please pray for revival in Native America and for the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers. (Matthew 9:38)
We need to pray for ministries in the United States to begin to be aware of this great need AND potential and begin to connect with this sovereign nation..

**excerpt taken from Consuming Fire Ministries


Miraculous Provision

Thanks to Mom and Ricky for the gift of a vehicle, which is absolutely perfect!

Yi-ho-wa! (Jehovah!)     I made it to my first stop in Cherokee, North Carolina!!  
As much of you know, I have been totally relying on Yahweh-yireh for His provision for this move.  My job ended in mid December, and I have been preparing for the upcoming time of ministry to the Lumbee Indians.  Monday was the day I felt in my Spirit that I was to leave Alabama.  However, there were still no funds to cover the trip, so I continued to look to the Lord for His provision.  1. Thanks to a new friend, Chase Miller, whom I met at The Carpenter Bookshop (after hearing the story of my journey), who handed me $100 bill which provided eggs and bologna sandwiches a week before I received a phone call from:  2. Joseph Sturgeon on Thursday afternoon.  Joseph asked, "Hey, wanna make some money working for Ice Coffee Co. at the Home and Garden Show?"  3. At the Show, 12 hours before I was to leave, an unfamiliar man walked up to me and asked,  "What do you do?"  I replied with with the details about my vision for releasing the new sound; he asked several other questions dealing with support and provision, to which I replied, "I do not have any ministry supporting me and am completely trusting the Lord with Faith for this move."  He then held out his hand and placed in mine TWO folded $100 bills!  I was instantly to tears and hugged his neck.  Thank you Bill Gandy for listening to the Spirit.  I was able to make this drive today because you listened!  4.  My good friend Al Mathis, who owns Desoto Caverns, gifted me a teepee so that I would have a place to stay!  5. Also, my dear friends J & Heather asked what I was going to sleep on in the teepee...I told them I wanted a cow skin rug to make the inside more comfortable.  Moments later they pulled a bag from the closet containing a real cow skin rug and handed it to me!!  So, all that to say:  Bless you Lord for your provision and your commitment to this Warrior, who loves you very much.  And also, I wish to thank a very honorable man, my Father Ken, who has been patient and free with his food, and supportive as I walked out the arduous circumstances as the revelations about this journey unfolded.  I will always love you!

                                         Relaxing after a long drive, at a coffee shop in Cherokee, NC


Timely Word

Just received a prophetic word from Andy Traywick and didn't want it to get lost in the 'comments section'...

"Your calling is to tap into what the Spirit is saying about the atmosphere of a place and to watch him pour it out as you jam along with him.. and it's so much better that way. Jonathan, it's real and it's alive the way studio music can never be. There is nothing better about music than that it will bring a real and living manifestation of Heaven to change all that hear its Sound. I miss those times with you, sitting and listening and being changed while the atmosphere blooms with the Lord's song pouring out of such a good friend of mine. As you draw near to Him, and pour out his heart, the land will change my dear brother...and my heart will be with you as you go. Be careful of nothing and be clothed as the lilies."

Andy, you're Spot On!

 I am here in Cherokee, NC with my good friends Jonathan & Rebecca.  This is a pic of Me and Jonathan worshipping...notice the Angel Orb!


Seer's Conference

So get this...as I arrived in High Point, NC to visit my great friends Thom & wife Caroline Buchanan on Wednesday, I was informed that I was just in time for a three day SEERS CONFERENCE, with speakers Doug Addison and Jeff Jansen, at New Day Church at High Point, NC.   Notice the Angels that were present as we worshiped the King of Kings!
 Angels frequented our precious time ;)  Can you spot them?

 The Lord filled me beyond, beyond, beyond!  Not only was it an intimate experience with the Holy Spirit, but I received other gifts, such as:  a book from Connie called "500 Years of Bad Haircuts" written by Richard Leo Twiss of the Lakota/Sioux Nation, which will provide understanding of God's heart for the First Nations People; Bill Beard shared his wisdom concerning living amongst the Lumbees, and also gifted me a NC Map Book so that I would be able to navigate as I search out  a place to put down roots; Beth Angel handed me a staff made from a 'Talking Tree' that was taken from the Trail Of Tears; (WOW!)  Nancy (a renown "Prepper") had exactly the items for sale that I needed (hand-cranked lantern and 1000 hr. candle) for the teepee.  Her heart is to prepare the Church for hard times, so that they can be the ones to aid in such a time.  Thank you Nancy!  Also, a black Brother named Lamar approached me during the conference and said:  "Are you an Intercessor?"  I nodded in agreement and he replied, "Jonathan, You are such a free spirit, but a resilient warrior, eagle-like Spirit. You will soar to new heights like never before, and God's hand will guide you through the wilderness. I see you as a Moses leading many out of bondage and captivity into Freedom and supernatural Joy. I also see the color yellow when I see you, which represents the revelation and light of His power that will flow through you. You are a glorious light shining in the darkest of places. Joy is your weapon, my friend. I  just keep hearing 'GREAT HEIGHTS' for you, soaring higher than ever before. GET READY PROPHET!"  Amazing confirmation!!

 New Day Church goers have thrown change on the floor ever since God revealed that it was an outward sign that by His Mercy He changes us and His provision is evident all the time!  For those that know me, you can imagine the tears that fell from my eyes as I stood on all of those coins.  The Holy Spirit ministered to my need and revealed that "I will no longer have to live on change, but only BE changed."  Ye-yeeh!!


Words From Tribal Chairman

These are some of the words from Tribal Chairman, Paul Brooks, at the State Of The Tribe Address in 2012.  
"While our goal is to become a self-sufficient nation, we cannot become a self-absorbed people. We must remember that we are here to put the needs of others before our own; a shared sacrifice of the Office of Tribal Chairperson and the duty of each Tribal Council Member. We all must remember that our rights and power to govern do not originate from the positions we hold or even the United States, but from our citizens, whose rights are given by our Creator.

In the upcoming budget session, let us be visionaries, looking for new, innovative ways to expand tribal programs rather than sidestepping our responsibilities to the Lumbee people. It’s time for rebirth. If we are to attract new partners, we must remember the ways of our elders. We must be mindful that we are all related; that we are family, and if the Tribe is to move forward, we must move together, in the same direction."


The Rejected Will Be Accepted


Picture of Papa, Memaw, Dad & Aunt Kathy c.1954

"20(13) will go down in history as the YEAR OF THE PRODIGAL as those that have suffered severe rejection are now accepted and reinstated by the Hand of the Lord.  It will not be an act of man even as it was not the act of man that reinstated the prodigal son to his position or Moses, David, or Jonah to their's.  The grace of God will prove itself sufficient in 20(13) as significant headlining reconciliation and restorations takes place.  Newspapers, talk shows and other major media events will become harbringers of God's intentions like no other time in 20(13) as the "uncomely parts" are bestowed more honor.  Those that have been disgraced, misunderstood and forgotten will be suddenly thrust back to the forefront as Joseph was from his pit and prison.  The stone covering many people's "lion's den" shall be rolled away by the power's-that-be revealing a greater destiny inside.  Those that have "fellowshiped in His suffering" shall undoubtedly now walk in resurrection power."   
Chad Taylor

(*) Emphasis on 20(13) is mine.. Chad Taylor, with Consuming Fire Ministries, originally prophesied this in 2008, however it may be happening now!


This year marks the 175th anniversary of the atrocity of the American Holocaust known as The Trail of Tears. A population of approximately 4,000 of about 16,000 Cherokees died on that trail. Hitler’s concentration camps were modeled after those used on the Cherokee, their black slaves and the Creek who were still on the land. Much has been done in repentance but only the Blood of Yeshua can pay in full. One group, the Brainerd Mission, stayed true to their covenant with the Cherokee, including going on the Trail with them. (Some of the missionaries “saw the handwriting on the wall and went ahead to start missions in Indian country.”) This year on Yom Kippur, the highest Holy Day of the year, YHWH has promised to return to Chattanooga to honor the covenant and bring deep healing to deep wounds. His Warrior Bride is hosting Deep Healing for Deep Wounds and inviting the Covenant Keepers to return to the land.

An Unexpected Party

Well, I finally made it to Lumberton, North Carolina!  I drove into town with a half tank of gas and $50 left for groceries.  As I made a circuitous route around the city, I sang, observed and looked in the Spirit.  I truly cannot describe the emotion that coursed through my mind as I entered the place in which I am to minister.  After getting supplies and gas which depleted my cash, I headed for the Lumber River State Park, only to find out that it was not free to camp, as I had been told.  So what do you do?  I walked along the beautiful Lumber River and blessed the Lord, thanking Him that I had made it.

It wasn't long until I bumped into 4 other guys (Mike, Mark, Danny and Robert) camping alongside the river.  They quickly welcomed me into their site and asked what I was about.  After explaining my purpose in Lumberton, they asked me to join them for the evening, to play some tunes on the guitar and even offered to feed me some of their good cooking...btw, it totally beat the bologna sandwich I had made!

Then came the awaited Ranger visist...I humbly told them I could not pay for the campsite.  They questioned me about my visit, to which I replied with great joy my understanding of this journey of totally relying on the Lord to provide.  With a twinkle in their eyes, both of the Rangers allowed me to stay the night for free and are trusting me to return when I can to pay for the site.  I slept wonderfully under a night sky, filled with the brightest stars.  (BTW, I returned on March 20th with the $13.00 I owed the Rangers to pay for my nights stay.)


The Blue Building

This morning, for the THIRD time in my life, I ate my last two sandwiches.  I decided to again read Matthew 6:25...
"For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink ; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and thebody more than clothing ? 26 "Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sownor reap norgather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? 27 "And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life ? 28 "And why are you worried about clothing ? Observe how the lilies of the field grow ; they do not toil nor do theyspin, 29 yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these.30 "But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith ! 31 "Do not worry thensaying,'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will wear for clothing?' 32 "For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things ; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."
 So, deciding to trust, I headed back town, praying that I would not see with my natural eyes, but with the eyes of the Spirit.

Many of you will recognize the building above from my stories of the visions I saw of playing unscripted praise in the most dilapidated part of Lumberton.  THIS IS THE BUILDING!  I turned the car around, walk to the door and was met by a black man named McMillan.  With a genuine smile, he welcomed me, as I told him that I was there to talk about Jesus.  He quickly brought out stools for us to sit on and motioned for me to get my guitar.  With much joy and love I poured out in worship to the King of Kings.  Now, understand that this building is right along the very busy Martin Luther King Blvd.  However, the sound which he called Angelic, reached completely over the next building and soon formed a small crowed of hearers that asked me to play again!  I WEPT.

When I looked up from the worship, McMillan said that one of the ladies that stopped bye said it sounded like Angels.  McMillan then asked what I needed, to which I replied:  "I am in need of a place to stay."  He looked at the ground and smiled and said: "Jonathan, I was wondering what I was going to do with a half empty du-plex...you are welcome to stay there until you get your feet on the ground, and here is $10 for you to get a good meal!"



Provision & Blessing


Psalm 62:6  "My life waits only upon God, for my expectation is from Him.
7. He only is my Rock and my Salvation:  He is my Defense. I shall not be moved.
8. In God my Salvation and my Glory:  the Rock of my strength, my Refuge is in God.
9. Trust in Him at all times.  You people, pour out your heart before Him:  God is a Refuge for us.          Selah.
10. Surley men of low degree are vanity, men of high degree are a lie:  to be laid in the scales, they are all together lighter than vanity.
11. Do not trust in oppression!  Do not become vain in robbery!  If riches increase, Do not set your heart upon them!
12. God has spoken once; twice have I heard this, that power belongs to God:
13. also to You, my Lord, is loving kindness, for You render to each person according to his deeds.
     (*source 'One New Man Bible')

I got a text from Jean Welch today, which said:

I mean to tell you what!!!  The moment I read this text from Jean, my new friend Bill Beard walked into the KFC where I was sitting, with bags of groceries and handed me a $20 bill!  

Lumbee Tribal Council "Turtle" Building - Photograph by Jonathan Walden

Upon exiting the building, a Native American man held the door for me.  I asked him how he was doing, to which he replied:  "I'm ok.  I'm just trying to find work.  Both my parents are deceased, and it's just rough right now.  I build houses and am hoping this connection I just made will be provision."

I asked his name, (James) and then said:  "James, do you know Jesus?"  He replied, "Yes, yes, yes Sir I do!"  "James, I am new in town and cannot offer you anything, but I can pray for you, can we pray?"
"YES" he replied.  "Amen. Father, we Honor You.  You are amazing and worthy to be praised!  In the Name of Y'shua Hamashiach we ask that you would provide a job for James TODAY!!  We trust You.  COME ON JESUS. Ye-yeeh!  In your Name we pray.  Amen."  James looked at me and said:  "THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS, THAT IS WHAT I NEEDED!!  THANK YOU."  (I am overwhelmed that God is using me so simply to bless all those who need to be blessed!)

Amen, brother James.  May you find Favor.


First Commissioned Work

Had my first commissioned work sell today!  I met Ms. Locklear, who owns Eagle Feather Arts in Pembroke, NC and after our conversation she asked to see some of my leather and beadwork.  She smiled and asked if I could make a beaded hair barrette for a Native man in town.  The one she had in the shop was too feminine, and he needed a smaller one for his long, thin hair.  She was impressed with  my craftsmanship and I was even more ecstatic that my own art would be worn by a Native American!

This stick is my own design


Healing The Bloodline

I just returned to Lumberton from High Point, where I went to recharge and meet Thom and one of my best friends Ryon who came up to visit.  Thanks to Michael & Cindy for your hospitality this weekend, and to Thom & Caroline for continuing to support me in the Spirit, even if it means "kicking me out of the nest" again.  A very special thank you to Collien for the three bags of groceries!  God really spoke to your heart when you purchased these items...I thought it strange that you bought me a full bottle of 'olive oil' until I remembered the prophecy of "pouring oil & water on the burial ground of my ancestors, and healing the bloodline."   

The next morning, I made the drive to the northwest side of the Fort Bragg Reservation, an hour and a half from Lumberton. 

It is said of my distant relative Eli Walden:

A Ranger happened to show up at the closed Ranger Station as I arrived, and was kind to show me a map of the Goins-Walden burial ground and send me in the right direction.  However, surrounded by tall, brittle grass, white sand and pine trees as far as the eye could see, I hiked all over the landscape for 4 hours to no avail.

I had decided to trust The Lord for this trip and drove there on less than half a tank of gas, knowing without a doubt that He was sending me and that He would provide.  Two hours into the hike I received a text that my friend Jean had blessed me with $200.  Selah
Tired and hungry after not finding the burial ground, I made my way back to the town of Southern Pines for food and rest.  After more research, I returned with GPS coordinates for the location.  As it turns out, I had passed it twice the day before.

Bottles of Oil & Water and the feather to anoint the air
Relieved that I had found the site, I asked The Lord what He would have me do.  In His ever so frequent still-small-voice, He gave me understanding to do a prayer walk around the gravesite 3 times, anointing the air with smoke from my pipe, and the ground with water and oil.  Interestingly, I could only pray in tongues, which blessed me to know that my flesh was not involved at all, but only His Mercy.  

Goins-Walden Indian burial site

Goins-Walden Indian burial site

Goins-Walden Indian burial site

I cannot express how much abundant Peace was there.  It is my belief that the bloodline has been healed and that the secrets and rejection that have rested on the Walden household have now been broken.  Thank you Y'shua Hamashiach for this great honor to re-dig the wells of our Ancestors, to bring Healing, Justice and Restoration to the Walden Family!  Aye, Amen


An Open Heaven Over The First Nations People

Through much counsel and prayer, and the direction of the Holy Spirit, I have been released to go back to my home state.  After accomplishing everything that the Lord showed me to do in Robeson, Co., concerning Releasing the Sound of Heaven over the Lumbees and bringing healing to the Walden bloodline it is with great honor that I return home. 

 Many of you who have been reading this blog will note that I was offered a place to stay in a duplex by the man who owned the "blue building" that I saw in my vision.  Through the providence of God this never came to fruition, however I was able to sleep securely next to the blue building these many nights.  
Limited by resources and timely funding, I was only able to 'move' as the Holy Spirit provided and gave direction.  This uniquely allowed for my listening skills to be at their most operative level so that I was only going and doing at the appointed time.  To have released the Sound of Heaven in 3 locations, twice in each spot without realizing it, is a witness to me of its effectiveness!  It is my understanding that the Windows of Heaven are now open over Robeson County, and primed for the next move of the Holy Spirit on their land, which I believe will be soon!

In his book: "500 Years Of Bad Haircuts," Richard Leo Twiss writes:

It is my understanding that God sent me to my ancestral land, not only to heal the bloodline, but to change the atmosphere of this location in order for His Spirit to come in Power.  Y'shua Hamashiach has heard their cries for mercy, deliverance, love & acceptance and this marks the beginning of God healing this nation.  I am so excited to watch the unfolding of this great First Nation peoples.  I believe that this tribe will be influential in the next move of His Spirit, by bridging cultural gaps and healing relationships, as they are released to be who God called them to be -  Free in Yeshua the Messiah! 

Just received this letter from a Goins relative that I believe shows the need for God's Mercy and Grace:

The Goins are also in the same burial ground as the Waldens

"May this mighty outpouring of your Spirit, Lord, propel them into FREEDOM and may your Spirit fill their hearts to overflowing, so much so that they take that Freedom to the Nations!"  Amen

Thank you again to everyone who helped make this journey of Faith possible and to those who have been interceding on my behalf.  I am honored to know each and every one of you!

Caller Of The Eagles